The person I had it with is an old friend. We met five years ago in high school. Shes very outgoing, independent, and open-minded. So we got along pretty well. After graduating from high school, we went to different cities for college studies. I ha...
买到让你开心的东西 This is an interesting topic for me and I would like to talk about an item that I purchased and was happy about. Well, I can remember many such experiences, however, after I bought a washing machine for my mother, I was exhilarat...
Write at least 60 words about the topic “I’ve learned something helpful for my future life”. 学校生活的目的不仅仅是为了升学,更重要的是学习对未来生活中有用的一种能力本领...
You are introducing English Festival of yourschool to your friend Mary. The festival will begin thisMonday. 请你向你的朋友 Mary 介绍将在本周一举行的校园英语节的各项活动。下...
英语中的很多常用语 都来自这本童话 《爱丽丝梦游仙境》不仅编织了一个奇妙荒诞,充满想象力的地下世界,还制造了很多英语流行语,down the rabbit hole(进入未知的天地),mad as a hatter(疯疯癫癫)以及jabberwocky(胡说八道)等常用语的流行都和这个童话有关。
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